Custom Strings
This class is used to set custom strings for the messaging window. null values will be replaced with the default strings from ui sdk
string used as title for showing active participants
content description for attach file button
content description for attachment
custom string for audio permission required toast
description for back button
url if you need to show the business image from the url. Business icon will be used as default
content description for cancel button
text to display when caption constraint is not met
content description for capture image button
content description for close button
content description for close camera button
content description for company profile
text for connected state indicator
text for connecting state indicator
description for button which crops the image
text for disconnected state indicator
content description for download button
string used to show toast that download is completed
string used to show toast that download has failed
string used to show older messages wre not loaded due to error
content description for file
text to display when file extension is not supported
text to display when file name constraint is not met
text to display when file size exceeds limit
content description for select captured image button
description for button which flips the image
text for idle timeout button
text for showing idle timeout countdown
title while showing idle timeout message
content description for any image
string used to show internet connection is lost
text to display when latitude is out of range
text to display when location address constraint is not met
text to display when location name constraint is not met
text to display when longitude is out of range
text to display when message format is not correct
content description for message sent tick
text to display when message text constraint is not met
Used while showing typing indicator beside participant name when more than two participant are typing. ex: Agent 'and others'.
content description for next button
string used as title for showing there are no active participants
text to display when file does not exist
Default name to be used for agent
Default name to be used for bot
Default name to be used for customer
string used to show that participant has joined the conversation
string used to show that participant has left the conversation
Default name to be used for supervisor
Default name to be used for system
text to display when payload constraint is not met
content description for previous button
content description for switch camera button
text to display for opening camera to take video
description for button which resets to original image while editing
content description for retake photo button
content description for retry sending message button
description for button which rotates the image 90 degrees clockwise
description for button which saves the edited image
content description for scroll to bottom button
content description for send button
string used on send location button
content description for share location button
Used while showing typing indicator beside participant name when one participant is typing. ex: Agent 'and others'.
content description for done button
content description for stop recording button
content description for switch camera button
text to display for opening camera to take picture
text to display when text constraint is not met
Used while showing typing indicator beside participant name when two participant are typing. ex: Agent 'and others'.
Description for typing indicator.
string used while customer replies to postback or reply
string used while customer shares location